Friday, July 11, 2008

Chapter I: Growing up TADU

The story begins in a small village considered anonymous as it happens to be one of the communities ignored by the Egyptian government. Reason being that it is habited by people who have rebelled against the government and chosen to live life their way, worshiping a different God, Aten.
Within this small community lives Tadu (Nefertiti), her mother Imana, her father Akaten, and her older sister Mutnodjnet.

Her father spends most of the day teaching her what he enjoys most, fighting. She is very close to her father as he expected a boy but instead got a girl who fit the qualities he expected. Although her mother is completely against it, there is nothing she can do about it, at least Tadu doesn't compare to the sexually outgoing person that her older sister is. Mutnod (short for Mutnodjnet) has spent her childhood giving her parents a run for their money, and time. She has given them or sometimes the numerous places they went to a pretty good scare. She is sort of the outcast who purposely refuses to follow the rules laid by her parents. Mutnod is very close to her sister and tries to make sure that she doesn't follow in her footsteps.
The family is financially secured thus the father is a fisherman and their mother sells the fishes at the market. Their standards of living are very decent and they own a very nice hut compared to many. Imana is a very beautiful woman but obviously a foreigner from her darker skin complexion in comparison to her husband who is very fair skinned therefore giving her kids a sand or wood like skin complexion. Her accent definitely outs her if her looks fool you even though she tries her hardest to hide it. Imana is admired for being very beautiful with a long swan like neck and a slender figure. Her daughters have both adapted their mother's figure and looks and always get chased around by boys asking them for a kiss.

Her eldest Mutnod comes home after having ran away during the middle of the night. It is mid-day, Imana is tired and is looking around for her youngest, Tadu when she spots Mutnod coming out of the bushes. Mutnod is wearing revealing clothes showing off her chest area and the short dress reveals her long legs.

Mutnod: Hello mother, sorry i missed lunch.

Imana: If i recall correctly, you also missed breakfast and dinner last night. Besides, it is barely noon we haven't settled for lunch yet.

Mutnod: Sorry I couldn't make it, what can i say? I mean a girl's got to grow up at some point, right?

Imana: Well then if you're so grown, why do you feel the need to return home after whoring the whole town?

Mutnod: And miss that look of your face every morning? Never!

Imana: You think you're actually hurting me don't you?

Mutnod: You know, you keep talking like this mother, and i swear on Aten's name, I'll do it! One of these mornings, i just won't come home!

Imana: Good Aten, a girl can only dream! Right, anyhow, your little sister's out. I'm going to take a wild guess here and say she is out there bulking it up like a man with her father. Would you be kind enough be go get her for me darling?

Mutnod: (Sighs heavily and heads on her way to get her sister)

Both taking their positions as adversaries by the lake next to their boat filled with fish, Tadu and her father Akaten are ready to go at it. They go arms first pressing on each other's body one trying to bring down its opponent. Tadu lowers herself and slides in for her father's legs dropping him face down in the mud. She does a back flip and rushes for her stick. Her father does the same and they proceed on attacking each other. Moments later, Akaten finds himself on the floor with a heavy stick on his face.

Akaten: You got this one. Wow, you've gotten a lot better than i thought! How did this happens?

Tadu: Practice father, i keep telling you and you don't listen!

Akaten: Very funny, how old are you these days?

Tadu: 15...going 30 years old!

Akaten: Indeed my dear, you certainly are! Help me wrap up the fish, hand me that bag?

Tadu: Here, old man!

Mutnod: Alright father, you need to leave that little girl alone! It is time for her to start hanging with people her age. Plus, I'm getting sick of coming after you two every day!

Tadu: Right, because the same can't be certainly said about you, correct?

Akaten: Where were you last night?

Mutnod: What? This is not about me alright? Switching subjects will not solve the issue here father...this is about my little sister.

Akaten: Last time i checked you were still my daughter and speaking of this little sister you pretend to care about, at least she cares about our feelings enough to respect us!

Mutnod: I don't pretend, How dare you? I'm outraged!

Akaten: Whatever! This girl cares about you and when people care about you it's not about the things you say to them. Just because you tell her to stay away from the whoring doesn't mean she'll listen! You have to serve as an example for Aten's sake!

Mutnod: Kind of like you right? Always caging the poor thing to serve your every fantasy just because you didn't get the little boy that you wanted.

Akaten: If there is anything that makes me regret not having a boy in this life, I am staring at it!

Mutnod: You know, we can go at it all day because you're not any different than i am. I am not the one hiding things from my family!

Akaten: What are you talking about?

Mutnod: I've heard the rumors daddy! Believe me, you'd want to be my best friend right now. Anyway, Tadu, my darling, we must get going we have a table to set!

Tadu: Father, stop it both of you! What did mom cook?

Mutnod: Your favorite meal, CRAP!

Tadu: Oh God, you 're so unappreciative!

The trio rushes home on time to find the table already set. It is an elevated large and round rock with four marbled rocks around used as seats. Their mother made a meat soup with boiled plantains. She sets the plates and watches as her family walks in on time. Tadu and her father rush to kiss Imana.

Akaten: My darling!

Tadu: Mother you have got to see these new moves father taught me!

Imana: Sit down and eat your food sweetheart.

Mutnod: And this time try not to talk with your mouth full, it's quiet a disgust!

Imana: Alright get settled. Tadu, may i ask you a question darling?

Tadu: Of course mother, what is it?

Imana: What are your interests in life?

Tadu: What do you mean?

Mutnod: What the hell do you think stupid? She wants to know what you want to be, when you grow up?

Tadu: I don't know, i guess serve in the army of the great King Amenhop...

Akaten: Wait, is this a hit on me?

Imana: I mean look what you've done Akaten!

Mutnod: I don't know what you expected mother.

Akaten: I didn't do anything, Tadu just knows how to defend herself that's all.

Mutnod: Right, because some people are just born like that!

Akaten: I admire her courage. There is nothing wrong with a girl who knows how to kick butt!

Mutnod: Right, because that is definitely something men look for when they seek women.

Imana: That's true Akaten, this has to stop! When does she start being a girl?

Tadu: I am a girl and i love fighting! I am a girl, just not the type that believes in wearing short tight dresses and big earrings to have a mob of men chase after me each day.

Imana: They do that regardless, you're beautiful! I just want you to have fun you know? Be a girl!

Tadu: Mother, girls my age should not be thinking of boys anyway!

Mutnod: You're right, they should be thinking of other girls!

Imana: I just don't want you to miss out on anything!

Mutnod: And believe me, you don't want to do that. (winks at her mother)

Imana: You're talking with your mouth full.

Tadu: (laughs)

During the middle of the night Tadu hears footstep noises and the door squeaking. She awakes and heads to the door only to find her sister trying her hardest to leave quietly.

Tadu: Hey where are you going?

Mutnod: What are you doing up loser?

Tadu: Take me with you!

Mutnod: What? Have you lost it?

Tadu: Come on, you said it yourself.

Mutnod: Said what? I didn't say anything.

Tadu: You know, about missing out? You were right, it's time i start a girl!

Mutnod: Tadu, if there is one thing in this world that i can do to guarantee my death, it's this! Your parents would burn me dry if i take you with me.

Tadu: You're taking me with you!

Mutnod: And if i refuse?

Tadu: I'll...i'll tell them you're pregnant, and you don't know who the father is!

Mutnod: But i'm not pregnant...

Tadu: That will be your words against mine!

Mutnod: You're a bitch you know that? Come on!

Mutnod drags her little sister to the front of their hut where two men sitting on their horses await them. One of them is very handsome, tall and dark (Pyie) and the other is the exact opposite (Balaji). They're both dressed in black. A trick they use to go by unseen. Pyie gets off his horse and walks towards the ladies.

Pyie: Hey love! (Kisses Mutnod passionately)

Balaji: I see you brought a dove along with you today!

Mutnod: I'm sorry, does that line usually work on women?

Pyie: Good one, but really, who's the hottie?

Mutnod: Hottie? Watch your words darling. It's my little sister Tadu.

Pyie: Wait that's your annoying little sister? Oh no forget you, i'm taking her! (Picks up Tadu and walks away)

Mutnod: I'm serious Pyie, if anything bad happens to her i'll kill you! You have to keep an eye on her.

Pyie: Oh please, everyone will keep an eye on this swan beauty. Don't worry, she'll be fine.

Mutnod: Put her down she's not disabled!

Pyie: Oh sorry. Hello there how you doing tonight?

Tadu: (Giggles) I'm fine, you're so funny it's no wonder Mutnod never wants to stay home!

Pyie: Aw well how sweet of you darling, is that so Mutnod? Have you fallen for me?

Mutnod: Don't listen to her, she's delusional. Let's go!

Tadu: (Whispers) That's her way of showing affection.

Pyie: (Whispers) I know.

Mutnod: Alright Pyie that's enough we have to get going, we're already late for the festival.

Pyie: Right, let's go!

Balaji: Come to daddy Tadu, you're riding with me!

Mutnod: Oh no, Pyie you ride with Tadu.

Balaji: Oh come on!

Pyie: Baby that's not fair!

Mutnod: This was never intended to be a double date. Scoot over I'm riding!

Balaji: Your girlfriend is a bitch brother!

Pyie: I know. Come my darling, first timers never ride so get behind and hold tight!

Tadu: Okay.

The two couple ride their horses as fast as they can through the desert and reach the festival where Tadu was for the first time in her life introduced to the world of her sister. People were drinking, women were naked and having sex in public, they were dancing as if there were no tomorow. She found it to be a bit repulsive but it was impossible to look away. She finds a seat on a couch next to a drunken few who had passed out. After dancing with her boyfriend all night, her sister joins her on the couch to check on her.

Mutnod: You alright?

Tadu: Yeah, weirded out a bit but...i could get used to this i guess.

Mutnod: Oh no please don't, father will kill me.

Tadu: What you said know, about knowing stuff about him. What did you mean?

Mutnod: Don't worry about it, it''s nothing!

Tadu: No tell me, i saw the looked on his face. He looked as if someone had just caught him off guard in the nude.

Mutnod: You're funny. Look, all you need to know is that your father, our father, worked extremely hard to get us here. All safe and sound up until this point. We should be thankfull, or greatfull. Something i know nothing about!

Tadu: You go ahead and have fun, your boyfriend looks like he wants you.

Mutnod: Oh please and leave you here in the middle of these horny teenagers? Forget it, that penis can wait!

Tadu: (Laughs) Good Aten, who knew you could be this over protective?

Mutnod: Well of course i am! You're my little sister, my Tadu. I know, i know, i'm always picking on you and calling you names but...truth is, you're the only reason why i keep coming back.

Tadu: What? Me?

Mutnod: Yes, you. You're everything I've wanted to be when i was your age. I just wasn't courageous enough. So, when you can't face life, you try to make things harder on those who can.

Tadu: That's so sweet. I mean you can choose to never come home but you stay because of me? That's like the ultimate sacrifice for you isn't it!

Mutnod: Yeah, that and the fact that this loser still lives with his parents. What else can your sister do?

Tadu: (Laughs) He's sweet.

Mutnod: Yep, that's my Pyie!

The two sisters spend the rest of the night chatting and find themselves sleeping on the couch amongst others completely forgetting about their curfew.
Back at the village, Akaten is awaken by the sounds of the rooster around the village. He steps outside to see the sun rising and afterwards starts looking for his youngest Tadu. He asks his wife but she is too deep in sleep. He figures she is probably already at the lake setting the net since she has the tendency to do so when she is the first to wake up. He happily heads to the lake in a rush to meet his daughter and best friend. To his surprise no one is there and the net is exactly where they left it the day before. He starts to shout her name over and over again but no feedback. Akaten then sees a man dressed as a soldier on horse approaching him slowly. His long sword hanging on the side, his golden sandals and his high waist white skirt with gold belt means he is wealthy. His elongated gold and black crown means he works for royalty of some kind. As the man gets closer and closer, Akaten realizes that this may not be client after all but an old friend. He backs up slowly. He realizes that it is Bahiti (wealth), a man who works for different kings and princes all over the world but is an Egyptian native. The reason for his attire is because is missions are financed and beneficed by the Egyptian government. His mission is to go from different places all around and capture beautiful women and slaves at times and sell them to kings and princes. Something Akaten is very familiar with since Bahiti used to be his partner and best friend.

Bahiti: So what name do you go by these days brother?

Akaten: Akaten.

Bahiti: Right, because you've also become monotheist now days correct? Well you know what? I don't care how far you go, or what you become, or what you change your name to. To me, you will always be Fukayna (intelligence)! A name which in my opinion you in no way deserve since you failed to live up to it!

Akaten: I don't want any trouble, whatever happened with us back then is the past. We've both moved on and...

Bahiti: We? We've both moved on? Oh no my brother, you may have moved on with the Somalian whore and gotten busy, but i am reminded of your shit every single day!

Akaten: What we were doing was cruel! Taking children from their families and destroying villages?

Bahiti: That wasn't the case until you met her though was it? Oh no, before then you were willing to slice off more than a few heads in the name of your people right?

Akaten: No! I always minded. I may have pretended to ignore my own feelings for your doings all those years but that doesn't mean they weren't there. It doesn't mean i didn't feel anything! We were murderers, we deserve to be punished for that. If it hadn't been for Aten i would have never realized it!

Bahiti: Oh please! Love. Love was what made you become enlightened. That bitch shows you off a piece of her pussy and all of the sudden you're born again eh? You and i have some unfinished business and i have come to set things straight.

Akaten hears horses behind him and when he turns around he is shocked to see dozens of soldiers standing behind him.

Bahiti: Everything that you have come to know and love will be destroyed before you today. Everything that you have given up your life and title for, everything that you have shamed and disrespected your Gods and people for will perish before your bare eyes today. And the best thing about it is, there is nothing you will do about it!

Akaten: Tadu...Kill me! Take me with you! These people do not deserve this, I DO. For Aten's sake i have a family. You know what that is don't you? My wife, my girls...

Bahiti: Girls? Oh no brother don't worry. I am always willing to spare the girls if you know what i mean? (Smiles).

Back at the festival, Mutnod is awaken by the bright sun shining in her face and proceeds to wake her little sister as she realizes that her mother will not tolerate her this time.

Mutnod: Tadu, WAKE UP.

Tadu: What? Oh shit, mother's going to kill me!

Mutnod: If she's going to kill you then what do you think she'll do to me? PYIE, PYIE WAKE UP! Ugh, fucker!

Tadu: What's wrong with them?

Mutnod: They're drunk Tadu. Come on we'll take one horse!

Tadu: Won't they mind?

Mutnod: Who cares? Did you forget that we're going to get killed anyway? Come on!

The sisters hop on the horses and quickly head on the way home. After a long ride they can spot their village from a distance with huge smoke rising from it. They're shocked and try to get their horse to race their as fast as possible but the animal is tired so the girls run the mile to their village. They find everything the came to know and love all destroyed. Their market which was once filled with people was now covered with smoke and was still burning. Huts were completely burned to the ground and people were laying on the floor covered with blood. They can't believe their own eyes and run in every direction in fear. They race to their hut worrying for their parents.

Tadu: (Crying) Where is mother and father Mutnod?

Mutnod: You've got to keep looking darling, it's okay we'll find them!

Tadu: Are they dead? You think they're dead?

Mutnod: Here's our...hut.

Tadu: It's covered in smoke! They're dead!

Mutnod: No, no, you know father is a great fighter and mother can talk her way out of anything. I know they're here we just have to look harder alright?

Tadu: Okay...

Mutnod: Dry your tears sweetie. We'll look in huts that are still standing alright? You go look in that one and i'll look in this one!

The two girls go their separate ways and call onto their parents hoping to find them in the strange and half burn huts belonging to others. Tadu looks in every room until she hears screams from her sister calling for help outside so she rushes out to help her. Tadu comes out to find a man dressed as a soldier trying to get a hold of her sister who desperately fights back. Having his back turned, he doesn't realize who is coming behind so she snatches his sword hanging on his waist and stabs him with it in his back. The man gushes blood from his back, nose, eyes and mouth. He drops to the ground. Mutnod is shocked by her sister's actions to rescue her so they hug but then start running realizing that the place was no longer safe for them. Unfortunately for the two girls they are surrounded as soldiers come from every direction with their swords out daring them to make a move if they wish to die. The girls stop realizing there is no way out.

Mutnod: What are we going to do? They're going to kill us!

Tadu: No it's okay, Father taught me how a fight a million. I think we can take them!

Mutnod: Are you nuts?

Bahiti emerges from the crowd on his horse and heads towards the girls.

Bahiti: You're the daughters of Akaten aren't you?

Tadu: What have you done with our parents?

Bahiti: Well we whored your mother away to some prince in Persia and this is what's left of your father...

A couple of soldiers drop their father's corpse in the front of them, smoke still rising from it. The girls scream in awe. Mutnod bursts in tears and starts crying. Tadu, tears scrolling down her eyes looks angry rather than sad. She gives a look of revenge.

Tadu: Why would you do this? My father was a good man!

Bahiti: This is a small reminder of what your father himself did to others before he met the Somalian whore that is your mother. All of the sudden, he became a family man!

Tadu: That is not true, my father would never do that!

Mutnod: Remember what i was hiding from you?

Tadu: What? No Mutnod this is father we're speaking of!

Bahiti: I'm not asking you to believe me, i can really careless. I just thought you should know in case you were plotting some pointless revenge against us. Your father had it coming! Now we can do this two ways. Either you bend over to surrender or we'll make you!

Tadu: I'm going to kill you. Maybe not today because you're surrounded by dozens, but someday, someday i'll kill you!

Bahiti: You know i hate it when people threaten me, it revolts me! Making me do things that i will eventually regret. The last thing i want is the blood of two of the most beautiful women i have ever seen on my hands!

Mutnod: No please, she's gone mad, she doesn't know what she is saying!

Tadu: Don't beg them for anything Mutnod, they don't deserve it!

Mutnod: Stop it Tadu you're going to get us killed!

Bahiti: You should listen to your sister.

Tadu: I'm going to kill you, slowly and painfully.

Bahiti: Alright that's it, bring out the panthers!

Mutnod: What? No, no please, DON'T.

Bahiti: Just as crazy your father Fukayna aren't you? Let's see if you can run like him. You see these two panthers? They're all white, one of their kind. The only left of their kind actually. Red eyes, saber tooth and twice bigger than a king lion. The most ferocious creatures in the world right now. I've always wondered if the human mind was really the most powerful thing just as they always say. What do you think? Physical strength against the mind of a stubborned village girl, who will win?

Tadu: Not quiet sure, there IS only one way to find out though.

Bahiti: You crazy bitch. Ready soldiers?

Tadu: We can do this?

Mutnod: You really are crazy aren't you? NO, SIR PLEASE.

Tadu: Look at me, we have no choice now, we have...

Mutnod: Thanks to you we have no choice, they're wild animals Tadu, they'll kill us! SIR PLEASE DON'T.

Bahiti: Once again, READY?

Tadu: Take my hand! RUN!


Mutnod holds on tight to her sister's hand and they both start running as fast as they can away from the fast white panthers. Tadu being athletic ends up being in front and dragging her sister behind. The beasts start catching up to them unfortunately and by the time Tadu realizes this one of the panthers has grabbed onto her sister and started to tare her apart. The other panther joins in the feast and they both proceeded to breaking her bones and chewing on her flesh. Tadu turns around to see her sister halfway dead shouting her name as the panthers keep eating her. Tadu in tears starts screaming at the panthers to let her sister go and throwing rocks at them. She keeps going in effort to get them to stop until she hits one of them on the forehead making it even angry than before. The creature rises up and starts to chase after her leaving the other behind to eat Mutnod. Tadu spots a tree and starts to run towards it with the creature almost catching up to her. She jumps at high as she can and starts to climb the leaf less tree with weak branches. She tries to get as high as she possibly can and comes to find out that the panther had not given up on feeding on her as it climbs after her. High in the tree with nowhere to go, she stumbles on a weak branch and falls to the ground hurting her arm. The pain doesn't keep her down as she is on her feet right away running back towards the panther eating her sister. The panther in the tree jumps down and starts running after her. When the panther eating her sister sees her coming from a distance, it lets go of her sister and starts running towards her. Now Tadu has two panthers coming for her, one in the back and one in the front. She hangs on until she gets close enough to the one in the front of her and as she sees it rising off the ground to get a hold of her, she turns around and sees the one in her back doing the same thing. The smart Tadu lowers herself and slides under the rising panther in front of her passing it by a breath of luck. The two panthers find themselves rising towards each other and unable to stop themselves, they knock each other down. Tadu starts running towards the crowd of soldiers who are all amazed by her ability. The two panthers realize that she's passed them and they start running back at her but this time she is too far close to the crowd and they grab a hold of her. The panthers are hungry and unstoppable and the soldiers find themselves in danger.


Arrows are thrown at the one of a kind saber tooth panthers killing them off.

Tadu: I guess this makes them completely extinct now doesn't it? And as far as your theory goes, I guess the mind of a stubborned village girl really IS that powerful eh?

Bahiti: Yes indeed, making you the one of a kind.

Tadu: I will kill you three times. One for killing my father, two for selling my mother,and three for killing my sister.

Bahiti: No fair i should die twice, remember? I didn't kill your sister, your ego did that! Take her away!

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