Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chapter III: Princess Tadu

Hours after hopping on the chariot, Tadu is awaken from a long and well deserved sleep by beatings on the chariot. A soldier opens the door and pulls her out. She finds herself standing in from of a beautiful palace-like two stories building painted in all white. She had never seen such a magnificent. The walls were high and painted in all white and the high doors were painted white as well. The muscular guards dressed in white skirts and gold sandals stood in front of it each holding a sword.

Soldier: How do you feel?

Tadu: How do I look?

Soldier: Like death. Well this is your new home! Shall we go inside?

Tadu: No, I'd rather stay out here and flirt with you instead.

Soldier: Ha, you know you're very different. Usually pretty girls are such bitches but you, you are nothing like them.

Tadu: Aw how sweet of you!

Soldier: Yeah. Just so you know we're not very far from Karnak from here so if you are a good girl maybe Assiry will send you there.

Tadu: You know for someone who looks so stupid i have found every word that has come out of your mouth to be rather insightful! I just wish we could do this all day.

Soldier: Let's go!

The soldier grabs her arm still tied back and pushes her to the front of the gates. The two guards open the gate and let them inside. Tadu is amazed by the beauty of the place. From all of the flowers in the gardens, to the statues of women with wings in the fountains. She is pushed towards the direction of stairs. On top of the stairs awaits a woman. She is dark skinned, with a full figure, her head wrapped and dressed in white. She has a big smile on her face when she sees Tadu and the soldier and opens her arms to hug him.

Soldier: Madame Assiry, how are you doing darling?

Assiry: I am wonderful! How about yourself?

Soldier: I am well, eh this is Tadu!

Assiry: Why thank you for bringing another fresh face, you know how that cools my heart.

Soldier: You are very welcomed! Blessings from Chief Bahiti to you, and to Nara as well. Speaking of Nara, is she home?

Assiry: No I'm afraid not, I will tell her you stopped by though.

Soldier: Oh that would be lovely!

Assiry: Well get to it, tell me about this girl since she seems obviously a bit shy.

Soldier: Oh no Madame this one is far, far from that word believe me. She was recruited from an anonymous village.

Assiry: Here in Egypt?

Soldier: Yes Madame.

Tadu: So you mean to tell me that was a recruitment? Boy am I glad I made the cut!

Assiry: Would you please untie this lovely girl soldier?

Tadu: Yes, would you please soldier?

Soldier: She is a handful!

Assiry: Soldier with all due respect, she traveled hours to get here so untie her!

Soldier: I'm not sure that's a good idea Madame. See she is the type that you should probably tie up for the whole time she is here. It's just not safe!

Assiry: I don't know about doing such things. Now Tadu, is it?

Tadu: Yes it is Madame!

Assiry: Do you promise to behave if we untie you?

Tadu: Madame, maybe you should listen to the soldier for your safety and his. It would be best if I remained tied up.

Assiry: Wow, as you wish then. I think I'll take it from here soldier!

Soldier: You be careful now Madame, we're uncertain about what else she is capable of so try not to go to places with her alone.

Assiry: I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle.

Soldier: I don't know Madame she's very dangerous! Anyhow, please make sure that you tell Nara...

Assiry: That you stopped by; I'm not deaf and you don't stutter. Got it!

Soldier: Alright bye then!

Assiry: Bye soldier. Tadu shall we have a seat on the stairs?

Tadu: I don't know I was thinking we could go for lunch or something.

Assiry: It is the afternoon.

Tadu: Shall we settle for a snack then perhaps?

Assiry: Come on and have a seat.

Tadu: Alright. So, is this supposed to be the part when you talk me out of being angry and enlighten me?

Assiry: We have a lot of competitions all year long, I think you should try out for comedy. You are very funny!

Tadu: Really? Where do I sign up?

Assiry: What is it that you are so angry about?

Tadu: I'm not angry. Why do people keep saying that?

Assiry: It's drawn all over your face. I just want you to know that it is okay.

Tadu: What?

Assiry: You have every right to be mad. To be angry. So let it out!

Tadu: I'm not angry!

Assiry: Then why are those tears falling down your eyes?

Tadu: Do you have any idea what I've been through? I walked in my village and found it burnt to the ground. The villagers, my friends, all murdered! Then I'm shown my father's burnt body and told that my mother has been sold away to some prince in Persia. But that wasn't enough, no, I had to witness my sister be eaten by two panthers and there was nothing i could do about it. (Tadu starts crying)

Assiry: You know we're not so different you and I, or any of those girls.

Tadu: No? Because you can tell me that you have experienced anything like this?

Assiry: Well not quiet like it, but pretty close.

Tadu: Okay, spit it out!

Assiry: Well 25 years ago, a large number of soldiers walked in my village in Guinea. They started the massacre right away. There was nothing that could stop them. At the time Bahiti was not the leader, I think he must have been a rank lower but probably just as powerful. It was led by a man named Fukayna.

Tadu: Fukayna, what did he look like?

Assiry: Oh it was so long ago. I guess tall, muscular at the time, long dark hair, brown eyes...

Tadu: Fair skinned?

Assiry: Well...yes. What has someone told you my story before?

Tadu: Eh no, I was thinking he must have been Nubian.

Assiry: Why? Anyhow, one of the soldiers told me that he left the army for a woman. Kind of ironic don't you think?

Tadu: (Whispers) Sure is.

Assiry: You should have seen what he did. Whenever the boys and men tried to stop or interfere, he just ran up to them and sliced their heads off with his sharp sword. He was a scary man, I feel terrible for his children. He told the soldiers to kill all the children under a certain age but kept most of the girls since they were selling them away. I was coming from getting some fresh water from the river when i saw it all. I saw my twins, one boy and a girl must have been around your age. Bahiti grabbed my little girl and took off on his horse. When my boy tried to defend his sister, Fukayna came out of no where and cut his head off. I went mad as any mother would and ran after him. When he saw me coming from a distance, he got off his horse and punched me in the chest. He then proceeded to beating me for disrespecting him, then raped me. It was the worst day of my life and I live with it each and every singe day. Getting passed around soldier after soldier, raping me one after the other until they were satisfied. I could not walk or move a toe afterwards so they just dumped me in a chariot and took me down to south Africa on a ship. When I arrived there i was surrounded by strangers and told an old man was to be my husband. He was a good man though. He didn't touch me and didn't speak to me unless i spoke first. I eventually opened up to him and he helped me find wisdom. With him i was able to forgive. He died a few years ago and since I was the mother queen i was left all of his fortune. All of the gold, the diamonds, the land, all of it belonged to me. I looked for a country that was rich and beautiful. I decided to come to Egypt. I spoke with Bahiti's soldiers and arranged a deal with him to bring all of the girls they supposedly recruit here. At my hands and sight, they will be well. I know what they are going through and i can help them get ready for their next life. Most rewarding of all is that I am the one who gets to decide where they go!

Tadu: You made a deal with the man who killed your children? How could you forgive him?

Assiry: If you don't let go, you stay exactly the same! You remain stuck in the same place. Besides i knew that there were young women that needed my help. I have never seen him ever since that time. I don't need to because i have moved on Tadu. You will too!

Tadu: No, that is the difference between you and I lady. I will kill that bastard.

Assiry: He is father of children and so is Fukayna! Am I to go on a search and once i find him, kill him, his wife and children? Wouldn't i be doing to him the same things he did to me?

Tadu: I don't know, it's just...he killed your children and yes you should have killed him. I don't deserve to be alive and neither did my sister? (starts crying)

Assiry: Honey what are you talking about?

Tadu: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!

Assiry: It's alright, come here! (Hugs her)

Tadu: I'm really...

Assiry: Listen, you really want to show your compassion? Do me a favor and try to let go. Try to move on sweetheart. If i have you can too.

Tadu: You did this for all of us eh?

Assiry: And for me too! I always had a dream to be a teacher but i guess the Gods grant us our wishes in a different way. Do you believe in Gods?

Tadu: I did once in Aten, the sun God.

Assiry: And you should as always because his love for you has not changed. When the time comes you will see that all of this was just a test!

Tadu: Sure, and maybe he can bring me my family back if i pass.

Assiry: Maybe not, but something greater than what you can imagine could happen.

Tadu: Are all of the girls like me when they first get here?

Assiry: Some are. Some didn't lose much so they can careless. Others don't survive. The pain, the anger, it kills them mentally and when they can't take it anymore we find them in the whale or the pools. Drowned. Suicide should never be an option my dear. In life you can overcome, start over, escape, survive anything with a will to live. In death, it's exactly what it sounds like.

Tadu knew she had nothing to lose by at least trying to let go as one of the women that her father tortured stood before her willing to look past all of the suffering he had caused her. At that moment she was ready to try to move on.

Tadu: I really admire you, you know?

Assiry: And i admire you for making those soldiers piss their pants. You must have given them a heck of a day!

Tadu: Yeah, something like that. So, where do we go from now?

Assiry: Well first thing I'm going to do is remove these rough cords tied around your hands since i feel much safer now. Then we'll go in. How does that sound?

Tadu: Well, they sure are tight!

Assiry: Good girl. (Unties Tadu who quickly hugs her) Aw thank you my dear!

Tadu: Thank you!

Assiry: I know how much you need your mother right now and i just want you know she's fine. And if you look anything like her, that Persian prince is but going to spoil her!

Tadu: I hope so (wipes her tears), I really hope so!

Assiry: She is and you two will meet again. I knew you were sweet just like my little girl! You just been hurt that's all.

Tadu: You had more children?

Assiry: Twins. One boy and one girl and a little girl who is about 8 now. Now you tell me what i have to be angry for when the Gods have paid me back what i had lost?

Nara walks in with groceries, dressed in all white as well with her head wrapped. She is very fair skinned with green eyes, is younger, and a little taller than Assiry.

Nara: Well hello there, sorry I'm late. Hey don't complain i used a freaking donkey to do go buy the groceries!

Assiry: No problem dear, you didn't miss much but being here to welcome our new guest. Tadu, this is my assistant Nara she was brought in many years ago from far, far away.

Nara: Ha trying to make me feel guilty already? Goodness you are so beautiful! What is your name again?

Tadu: Tadu. Nice to meet you. (Shakes her hand)

Nara: Tadu, you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Welcome to our palace for future Queens of the world.

Tadu: Thank you.

Nara: You look like you're from around, Nubian?

Tadu: Yes Nubian, Egyptian, I'm all of those things.

Nara: Very good. Now just so you know, of us two? I'm the nice one!

Tadu: Yeah I can tell already!

Nara: Now if there is anything you want to discuss our doors will always be open. People here are very nice and you will fit in with many of the girls here. What we do is try to work on your self-esteem. Reconstruct the broken pieces and make you confident women so that no matter where you go, you will be up to par. Now it's not easy but we've all been through the same thing, I'm sure Madame told you so correct?

Tadu: Correct.

Nara: Good, now will you help us help you?

Tadu: I think so.

Nara: Great, that's all we want to hear. Madame has anyone stopped by asking for me?

Assiry: You mean your boyfriend the soldier?

Nara: He is not my boyfriend!

Assiry: Right.

Nara: Just a friend who happens to care a lot about me.

Assiry: Yeah don't we all have one of those?

Tadu: Yeah. (Laughs)

Nara: It's good to see you're laughing already darling! Now, ready to go in?

Tadu: Sure!

Assiry: Oh and from this moment and on you are no longer Tadu. Your name begins with a title now. Princess Tadu!

Nara: Princess Tadu and future Queen.

Tadu: I like it!

Assiry: Let's go in sweetheart!

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