Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chapter II: Oh so Bold!

Tadu gets her hands tied back and brought to the only hut that was not burned down. They force her down on her knees as Bahiti takes a seat in front of her.

Bahiti: Untie her, where could she possibly run to? She has nowhere to go.

Tadu: What will become of me?

Bahiti: You know usually women are no good to me-

Tadu: To each his own, you do you mister. I promise I won't judge you. Some people think it's wrong but I'm very, very open minded.

Bahiti: Wow! You're beautiful, charming, AND you're very funny. Your future husband is a lucky man!

Tadu: Go ahead, give me up to some stranger, I don't care. I will say this though; Whatever situation you put me through better be fatal. Because if not, if I end up alive somewhere? You better be dead by the time I'm finished with him!

Bahiti: You strong Nubian princess! You strong Nubian warrior princess, How you fill me with pride! I want to make you an offer.

Tadu: You have an offer to make me? Sounds grand already, go on.

Bahiti: Your father, Fukayna's absence in my league has left a huge gap for the past 19 years. He was truly one of a kind. I wasn't angry at him for marrying your mother, believe me. I'm a married man and a man has needs so that wasn't the issue. But when you're surrounded by greatness for a long time and one day you wake up and someone tells you it's gone, you're bound to do something crazy. I was angry for a long time and the stress that i was getting from the higher hand was weighing on me. I do admit that I did overreact though and for that my apologies. Today, I have realized that it wasn't him that I wanted...

Tadu: No? So you're saying you're in love with another man? I'm confused.

Bahiti: Another good one, but as I was saying, it was not him that I wanted. I wanted someone with the same qualities, drive, devotion, but most importantly strong. Someone like yourself. The gods have reincarnated your father's greatness into you Tadu.

Tadu: So what are you saying?

Bahiti: I'm saying i have never met anyone like yourself in a day in my life. You are everything that your father was and I can honestly say he was a great man-

Tadu: That you killed!

Bahiti: Right, but I believe that you have what it takes to make my team work. With your qualities and being a woman? You will leave a mark I tell you.

Tadu: Wow! And I say it will be an honor. It would be a great pleasure to be part of the army that murdered my family and destroyed my village. I mean how can I say no? An opportunity as such comes once in a lifetime, count me in!

Bahiti: I know you're angry-

Tadu: No! You do not know how I feel. You have no clue! Not even a god would be able to describe the way I feel right now. I just watched my sister be devoured by panthers, shown my father's burnt body, and been told that my mother was sold away to some idiot but no. That is not enough to persuade me of which team I need to be in. You have some nerve!

Bahiti: Tadu, life is life and you can't predict the future. You have to move on and-

Tadu: FUCK YOU! Fuck you. You don't know anything about life. I am a peasant in a small village ignored by your government . I have had to work for a meal since I was 3 years old. If I didn't work, I didn't eat. Now when you're told that in order to get your next meal you'll have to chase after it, then we'll talk!

Bahiti: Look I know how you feel and I am willing to go where I have never been before. I am going to beg you Tadu. I am begging you to not miss out on this chance.

Tadu: You're begging me? Well will you look at that, the chief soldier of the army of murderers lowering his standards to the village girl. Now isn't that something?

Bahiti: Fine Tadu, you want us to do this your way? You want to be proud? You want me to sell you away to some stranger who will use the life out of you until you are nothing? Is that what you want? Look, times are tough. What happened between your father and I was personal. He and I had to unfinished business to close down. I'm not expecting you to get over it tonight, but all I ask is that you try. Now If there is any way that I can pay you back for what we did to you, I will!

Tadu: Pay me back? You want to pay me back for what you did?

Bahiti: I'd like to think I can, of course if you'd let me.

Tadu: Of course I would let you. Let me tell you how you can do that for me.

Bahiti: Go on...

Tadu: First, I'll take your horse and ride it to your higher hand. I will kill each and every single being holding that title. Then, I'll go to your home and kill your father, mother, brothers, sisters, your wife, your children, your cats and your dogs. I'll ride your horse back here and kill it in the front of you. After that I'll tie up your whole army, and burn them down to ashes. I think after that we should both be comfortable around each other. We should both feel that we've gotten an even treatment. Actually that should make it about square. Now do you think that you can arrange that for me chief? Would you be oh so kind?

Bahiti: You're insane!

Tadu: Insane? Look who's talking, you should know very little about insanity right?

Bahiti: It's too bad, I had high hopes for you. This would have been something exceptional! A woman leading an army of the great king, you have no idea what people would think of you. But now you will find yourself at the mercy of some man to let him do as he wishes.

Tadu: I can't be part of your league, I can't befriend people that intend to kill in the near future. That is what you call stabbing someone in the back and that, is not me. I'd like my enemy to know that I know he is my enemy. It makes it much more fun when I have to kill him. See to me you're all dead men walking, all you need is a shovel.

Bahiti: I could kill you right now!

Tadu: I say do it. The future may be unpredictable but at least you can act on the present. Now is your chance!

Bahiti: Are you listening to yourself?

Tadu: If you let me live, I'll make you witness the most horrifying death that you've seen in your life before bringing you to the realization that it was your own.

Bahiti: I could do it you know? I'm serious! Instead I won't. No, I'd rather send you away to some prince who will make your life a living hell. Then, when you are at your lowest, I'll come visit you and we'll both reminisce on this day.

Tadu: You've making a big mistake!

Bahiti: We shall see. Put her in a chariot and take her to Assiry. The village girl is no longer what she used to be boys, she's a princess now! You have yourself a great life!

Tadu gives Bahiti an unexpected kiss on the cheek as she is taken away to the chariot. This makes her seem bold and look strong in front of them. It was as if she didn't feel anything and really meant every word that came out of her mouth. As she was pushed to the chariot she stared at all of them dead in the eyes. They feared her, they knew what she was capable of so they wished her dead actually but the chief's orders were the chief's orders. The chariot pulled away and the horses started racing. She didn't know where she was being taken nor did she care, all she knew is that it was to someone named Assiry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...