Thursday, July 24, 2008

Adolf Hitler and Nefertiti

When the bust of Nefertiti was discovered in 1912 it quickly became popular. I use the term "discovered" very lightly because we all know it was sort of stolen from Egypt by German archaeologists. When the Egyptians found out that the worldwide biggest buzz at that time happened to be the bust of their infamous queen, they weren't having it. They reached out to Germany and asked them to return the bust immediately hence they never allowed them permission to take it out of Egypt. Unfortunately for the Egyptians, the bust was not exactly in the hands of the archaeologists anymore. Instead, it remained in the hands of the most powerful man of his time, Adolf Hitler. Hitler had fallen for the Aryan look of Nefertiti and refused to let go of her. Some people have speculated that he spent hours staring at the bust of the black queen. Amazing though isn't it? Even a racist man such as Adolf Hitler who swore by his whiteness and tried to exterminate anything that didn't look German, was willing to look past all of that for a bust?
Hitler told Egyptians that they could keep dreaming but Their queen's bust as old as 3,300 years old would never see the light of day in Egypt. He added that whatever Germany already has, is theirs to keep.
During the war, Hitler realized that the bust needed to be kept somewhere safe to avoid any damage to it in case of an attack. He so decided to bury it in mines underground where it remained until things cooled off, then rediscovered again later.
I found this story so surreal that i couldn't believe my eyes as i researched on it. Who would have thought that there was any relation between a black queen and a racist, white supremacist like Adolf Hitler. I think it's a strange yet beautiful love story. The racist dictator who fell for the Egyptian Queen. Anyhow the point is, Egypt is still begging Germany to bring back the bust of their iconic Egyptian queen but Germany is still salty about the whole thing. Their Altes Museum in Berlin gets thousands of visitors each year thanks to the bust of the Queen. It's no wonder they're not to fond of returning her to her homeland. Egypt have even called Germans to be thieves referring to the fact that the archaeologists who discovered it were never permitted to take it out of Egypt. Germany realizing that Egypt is right have came up with a "logical" explanation as to why the bust just can't leave Berlin. They said that the bust being over 3,300 years old, it would just be too dangerous to make it travel such a long distance. They supposedly fear that it might ruin the texture or that it could break apart. All of that crap just because they want to keep it. Foolishness i tell you!


Anonymous said...

Please stop calling Egyptians black. It isn't your right to label them in that way.

Anonymous said...

Deal with the truth, man. They were black. I'm sorry that the white supremacist programming has made it so difficult for you to accept.

Anonymous said...

as if your moaning about labels and bein called black in this day and age get a grip NAIVE old man.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not they were brown or black makes no difference. Hitler's obsession with ancient archaeology is. The question is why did Hitler want these types of artifacts?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Truth be told.....BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!! The people of ancient Kemet were wonderful and beautiful with many gifts to contribute to this world .....Science, Art, Mathematics, Spirituality to name a few. I also agree with the comment before mine.....the important point made here is why was Hitler so obsessed with ancient artifacts and especially the bust of Queen Nefertiti?